*Grace, Glauco Ulcigrai, Flickr
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A talkative soul lacks both the essential virtues and intimacy with God. A deeper interior life, one of gentle peace and of that silence where the Lord dwells, is quite out of the question. A soul that has never tasted the sweetness of inner silence is a restless spirit which disturbs the silence of others.
*St. Faustino
As much as possible, be more quiet.
*St. Nikon of Optina
No man is safe in speaking unless he loves to be silent.
*Thomas A'Kempis
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When the wise master once with melodious voice recited a few verses in the old Indian language, the Sanskrit, a disciple, who listened to him with fascination, said, "I have always known; there is no other language in the world that can express divine things so perfectly as Sanskrit can." "Don’t be a fool," the master said, "the language of the Divine is not Sanskrit, but the Silence."
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Why do we shun the Silence? Could it be that we are really more afraid of Grace than in love with Grace? Possibly, incessant need for artificial noise is a veil raised before pure Presence. Also, rite and ritual can be helpful, but a defense against a meeting of Grace unadorned, naked, and pure?
All words attributed as truth, arise from Truth, and Truth is Presence. Truth is Silence, not another idea to add noise to our ideological library of the mind. We know this Silence, this Grace, more intimately by subtraction than by addition.
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*Yeshuah (Jesus)
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Grace and Peace to All
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
*You are welcome to contact Brian at briankwilcox@yahoo.com .
The presentations at this site cover a long time period. Each one represents part of an on-going Pilgrimage, and the writer's ideas, practices, and experience have changed over time. This change is the quality of any living Journey. Please read with this in mind, allowing the inner Teacher to speak to you as you need at this particular time in your own living Journey. Thanks!